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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

South Eastern Private Hospital recognises this important month and is passionate about providing the best possible care and education to support patients and families affected by breast cancer.


This October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In Australia in 2019, it is now estimated that the risk of an individual being diagnosed with breast cancer by their 85th birthday will be 1 in 7.

As a Private Hospital specialising in delivering holistic oncology services and rehabilitative care, the team at South Eastern Private Hospital recognises this important month and is passionate about providing breast cancer patients a comprehensive rehabilitation support program called the "REVERE" program to help each individual reach their goals.

What does REVERE stand for?

The REVERE name stems from the program's key focus on:

R esilience

E ducation

V itality

E xercise

R elaxation

E mpowerment

For full details of this program, download the brochure below, contact us on 03 9549 6438 or speak with your health practitioner.