The Applied Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) Day Program supports people to learn how to break away from negative thoughts, thinking patterns and persistent worries that are adversely impacting on their mood and sense of self. It also looks at how we can better manage distressing emotions and letting go of rigid undesirable views, along with exploring important values that we can use to guide us on how to respond to stressful situations.
Throughout this program, you will participate in group sessions of between 8-12 participants that are led by Psychologists. Participants will be supported to share lived experiences, and to learn evidence-based coping strategies and skills. Each session focuses on exploring a practical skill that you will have time to practice before the next session, as well as shared with the group what you have learnt for feedback and input.
Getting ‘Unstuck’ from Unhelpful Thoughts and Worries – Develop greater psychological flexibility and look at how you can break away from negative thoughts that are impacting on your mood and emotions.
Understanding and Managing Emotions- Learn about what contribute to your stressful emotions and explore the role of emotions, as well as develop strategies to increase your resources so that you can better cope with them.
Values and Commitment – Connect with values that are important to you and learn how to utilise these values to guide you to respond to stressful situation and maintain significant areas of your life. This will help to further break away from unhelpful behaviours (e.g., rumination, avoidance, perfectionism, procrastination and self-defeating actions).
Fostering Acceptance and Letting Go of Rigid Views – Acknowledge the different roles you play and how you can better manage the conflicting expectations from these roles.
FOR NEW PATIENTS to access this treatment, we will need a valid referral from your general practitioner to one of our psychiatrists at South Eastern Private Hospital who will complete a preadmission assessment with you to ensure that the treatment is suitable for you. Referrals can be sent via our online referral on our website - (i.e., under the referral section). FOR EXISTING MENTAL HEALTH PATIENTS to access this treatment, simply discuss with your treating psychiatrist at South Eastern Private Hospital who will then assess your suitability and if appropriate, will refer you to our day programs. General enquiries about this treatment can be made by calling 03 9549 0111.